Interiors of power
The Interiors of Power series are photographs of institutionalised history as it manifests itself in preserved objects and places of power.
They are from several locations like the “Palace of Federation” in Belgrade, Tito’s private villa “Villa Seagull” in Montenegro, the former Monarchists residence “White court” and others. This work is a selection of photographs from locations that cannot be accessed by the public and that give insight into what remains of objects that once represented a country and its ideology that doesn’t exist anymore.

Failure/Success, Group Exhibition (Curated by Nigel Rolfe), Teatr Laznia Nowa, Photomonth Krakow, Krakow, Poland - 2007
Failure/Success, Group Exhibition (Curated by Nigel Rolfe), Teatr Laznia Nowa, Photomonth Krakow, Krakow, Poland - 2007
Interiors of Power slideshow, Solo show, ArtSway, New Forest, Hampshire, UK - 2009